How to get data between two date in sql when date save in type varchar (Y-m-d h:i:s) format ?

  • Vinay Kumar      Co-Founder    Answered

  • Answer sql query :



    $date_from='2022-04-13 12:02:33';

    $date_to='2022-04-10 12:02:33';

    $date_from_second= strtotime(date($date_from));
    $date_to_second= strtotime(date($date_to));
    $datediff_second= $date_to_second- $date_from_second;
    $datediff_days =round($datediff / (60 * 60 * 24));

    select * from  table_name where DATEDIFF('$date_to',STR_TO_DATE(created_date ,'%d-%m-%Y'))<=$datediff_days and DATEDIFF('$date_to',STR_TO_DATE(created_date ,'%d-%m-%Y'))>='0'

    Note- Please replace table_name  and created_date with the actual table, and date in the above SQL query



    Problem with varchar date-

    So the main problem here is that the date is saved in varchar format, for example, 2022-04-13 12:02:33 if apply normal query like

    $date_from='2022-04-13 12:02:33';

    $date_to='2022-04-10 12:02:33';

    select * from  table_name where created_date >='$date_from' and  created_date <='$date_to'

    it doesn't work it compares with the only first text of date ie 2022.


    so we have to find another way here is the right way

    Logic- From text of date(varchar) we can't compare data between two dates but we can find no of days between dates.

    We use DATEDIFF() function in our SQL to count the number of days between two dates

    $date_from_second= strtotime(date($date_from));
    $date_to_second= strtotime(date($date_to));
    $datediff_second= $date_to_second- $date_from_second;
    $datediff_days =round($datediff / (60 * 60 * 24));

    select * from  table_name where

    DATEDIFF('$date_to',STR_TO_DATE(created_date ,'%d-%m-%Y'))<=$datediff_days and DATEDIFF('$date_to',STR_TO_DATE(created_date ,'%d-%m-%Y'))>='0'


    SQL query with the value

    select * from  table_name where  DATEDIFF('2022-04-13',STR_TO_DATE(created_date ,'%d-%m-%Y'))<=3 and DATEDIFF('2022-04-13',STR_TO_DATE(created_date ,'%d-%m-%Y'))>='0'




    Explanation - Basically here the data of the last four dates will be found 2022-04-13,2022-04-12,2022-04-11, and 2022-04-10.

    DATEDIFF() function will return negative value for date greater than 2022-04-13 so DATEDIFF('2022-04-13',STR_TO_DATE(created_date ,'%d-%m-%Y'))≤  3 Returns true for a date greater than  2022-04-13 and includes the result in those dates

    To eliminate this 

    we have to  write DATEDIFF('2022-04-13',STR_TO_DATE(created_date ,'%d-%m-%Y'))>='0'


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