Basic Disk and Dynamic Disk are two disk configurations for Windows
The main difference between them is that in basic disk volume of one disk cannot be expanded with the volume of another disk. There is a separate volume for each disk. Most personal computer hard drives are configured in Basic. while in dynamic disk volume of one disk can be merge with other disk
Basic Disk can be configured into four primary partitions C,D, E, and F whereas in Dynamic we can create multiple primary partitions as well as Simple Volume, Striped, and Mirror Volume.
Dynamic disk has support for fault tolerance (recover data when hard disk is damaged), so that we can create a backup hard disk so Very less chance of data loss whereas in basic no fault tolerance feature.
If the Basic disk is configured to have four partitions and one of them is deleted then the other partition is not affected whereas in dynamic if one partition is deleted the others are also deleted or disabled.
Usually the default configuration in basic disk is basic. When basic disk is converted to dynamic then there is no data loss but once dynamic disk is created and we want to reconfigure to basic then data will be deleted