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Queryflag.com: Disclaimer

We do our best to keep this website as up to date as possible, but in view of the changeable nature of worldwide travel we cannot be held responsible for any information contained herein. Information has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but its accuracy and completeness, and the opinions based thereon are not guaranteed.

queryflag.com is not responsible for other websites linked to this site and we are not liable for any expenses or damages incurred therein.
queryflag.com provides various services to assist you in comparison shopping for hotels and other products. We provide information regarding products and third party merchants, and links to third party merchants.

Payment is made to queryflag.com by merchants or other third parties to list products on the Site. The products listed on the queryflag.com are sold by third party merchants, and queryflag.com does not sell, resell or license any products or services listed on the Site, nor is queryflag.com acting as an agent of sale for such products or services.

queryflag.com disclaims any responsibility for, or liability related to, such products and/or services. Any concerns, question, complaints or claims relating to such products and/or services should be directed to the appropriate merchant or seller.

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