From the definition, the computer is an electronic input process output device that takes input as binary no process on that no according to given instruction and finally gives the output.
the computer is used in work like accounting, documentation, animation, graphics design, car, building, game design, communication, etc but how to computers do this work?
if click anything on the keyboard or play some video then we see our output shown in the display behind this what going on inside the computer? what is the process of obtaining output?
The binary number has two no 0 or 1 so we can say the computer only understands 0 or 1. Each binary no is 0 or 1 is called 1 bit.
In electronic 0 represent low voltage and 1 represents high voltage. in the circuit, low or high voltage can be achieved by the use of a transistor. many combinations of transistor form logic gates that perform addition, multiplication, or logical operation of binary no.
The gate which performs addition is called an adder and multiplication is called a multiplier
CPU is the processor which is performed 4 cycles of operation 1. Fetch 2 Decode. 3 Execute. Store
Fetch: The CPU fetches the instructions from memory. The processor is fetch data from Ram memory which is intermediate between a processor and the hard disk
Decode: CPU identifies the nature of instruction and what operation needs to perform
Execute: According to the given instruction in memory CPU perform the arithmetic or logical operation
Store: output of operation stored in the memory or send to output devices
Processing of data has occurred inside the microprocessor (CPU) but to complete the process other hardware like RAM, Hard disk, and software operating system are required
When we type on the keyboard then a command goes to the processor where the processor decodes the type of command and invokes the instruction of command from RAM which is called thread according to the thread processor performs the arithmetic or logical operation and gives an output which is store in hard disk or display on the monitor.
Arithmetic and logical operation perform inside the ALU section this part is called core of the processor one core of the processor solves one thread at one time. In a single microprocessor, many cores can exit if we say dual-core processor means it has two Core that can solve two threads at a time.