What is green hydrogen?

  • Vinay Kumar      Co-Founder Queryflag.com    Answered

  • Hydrogen is a tasteless odorless combustible gas.
    on the basis of carbon dioxide released during the production of hydrogen, it has been divided into three ie gray, green, and blue hydrogen.


    many countries of the world are very excited about one thing and that is Green Hydrogen.  Alternatives to petrol will be ethanol, electricity, and green hydrogen.

    So we are talking about the replacement of crude oil but now there are many questions like…

    What is green hydrogen?


    Type of hydrogen on the basis of production

    Gray Hydrogen - It is made in factories from fossil fuels like natural gas or coal in which carbon dioxide is released into the air. The hydrogen produced in this way is called gray hydrogen.

    To date, 95 percent total production of hydrogen in the world is gray hydrogen. In hydrogen production, a total of 843 metric tons of carbon dioxide is released every year which is not fulfilled the zero carbon emissions term.

    Blue Hydrogen - This is also made from fossil fuel, but released carbon dioxide is stored.  Storing hydrogen on a large scale is not possible so blue hydrogen is not effective on cost as well as production 

    Green Hydrogen – Oxygen and hydrogen are produced when electricity is passed through water (H2O)
    And when the electric current used in it is generated from solar or wind energy, then the hydrogen that comes out is called hydrogen.


    Why do we need green hydrogen?

    The biggest hidden enemy standing in front of the world today is global warming, which is directly related to climate change.
    The major cause of global warming is the emission of carbon dioxide which comes out from factories and vehicles.

    Temperature raised due global warming
    Due to global warming, the ice of the glacier is melting and the earth's temperature has increased by about 1.5 degrees, so we need fuel that can be generated on a large scale, stored, and easily transported to other places.


    To meet the zero carbon emission condition, many sustainable measures are being taken such as solar energy or wind energy, but with such a large production chain in this world, where we have to operate heavy machines, ships, and vehicles, which it cannot be run entirely on electric and then we look at the green hydrogen.

    How will we produce Green Hydrogen?

    Electrolysis of water during production  of green hydrogen

    Green hydrogen is made by the electrolysis method.  In this method, the electrolyzer which is a combination of anode and cathode is kept in water and an electric current is passed through it then hydrogen separates from the water and starts coming out from the -ve terminal cathode.  When the current used for electrolysis is made from renewable energy, the produced hydrogen is known as green hydrogen.

    Green hydrogen equipment: So now we have understood the principles of making it, now we have to know how to make it on industrial scales, like what equipment will be required, their scale, their cost, etc. Let's know

    Electrolyzer: An electrolyzer is a device that separates hydrogen from water. It consists of electrodes, an anode, and a cathode, through which, when current is passed, the molecular atomic bonds between hydrogen and oxygen of water are broken and hydrogen is released from the cathode terminal.

    Electrolyzer for green hydrogen

    How does an electrolyzer work?

    how Electrolyzer  work
    A PEM(polymer electrolyte membrane) Electrolyzer

    in the electrolyzer anode and cathode are separated with a thin solid polymer membrane this thin polymer membrane work as an insulator between the anode and cathode. this kind of electrolyzer is also known as a PEM- electrolyzer. when the current supply at the anode proton of hydrogen H+ is released and passes through the polymer electrolyte membrane at the cathode proton of hydrogen reacts with the electron and produces hydrogen 

    is this a profitable deal?

     For now, the answer is no but in the future yes

    producing gray hydrogen is cheap but green is very expensive. Right now the average price of hydrogen in the world is around 8 USD/KG which is 8 to 10 times more than fossil fuel. But in the future, as much as the infrastructure for green hydrogen is being developed and heavy investment is being made in many countries, in the coming 10 years it may cost 1USD/KG, which will be very important for net zero carbon emission.


    Is this eco-friendly?

    Yes, Hydrogen is called the most clean energy of the earth because the electric current used to make hydrogen is made from renewable sources and after burning hydrogen heat and water vapor release, there is no carbon emission in it.  Therefore it does not cause any harm to the environment, so we can say yes this eco friendly 


    What ecosystems developed for green hydrogen around the world?

    The European Union :

    USA: In the USA 2021 clean hydrogen program “111 goals” have been launched, in which the price of green hydrogen is targeted to be 1kg / USD in the next decade, for this a budget of about 9.5 billion funds has been allocated.

    CHINA: China has set a target of producing 5,00000 tonnes of green hydrogen by 2025.  For this, a hydrogen plant powered by solar and wind energy is being built in Xing Yang province of China.


    INDIA: In 2021, the Prime Minister of India launched the national hydrogen mission, whose target has been set for 5 lakh tons of green hydrogen production. India's two main energy companies Reliance and Adani Group have made major announcements regarding green hydrogen.  Reliance has announced to set up a 3 GHz solar-powered green hydrogen plant so that 4 lakh tons of hydrogen will be produced.

    European Union: European Union looks to emerge as a leader in green hydrogen because It has already an excellent infrastructure of renewable resources especially in wind energy.

    EU adopt a green hydrogen alliance to get net zero carbon emission by 2050 under which 750 projects are currently running.

    In short periods European Union has to plan to produce green hydrogen with a 17.5 Gigawatt electoral capacity by 2025.



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  • Vinay Kumar